Functional Training

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SVG3 Fitness in Las Vegas provides cutting-edge Functional Training programs. Our approach focuses on exercises that improve strength, mobility, and performance for daily life and athletic activities.

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Real-world Strength and Mobility

Train your body for practical, everyday movements and tasks.

Injury Prevention

Reduce the risk of injuries by improving overall body mechanics.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

Improve performance in sports and physical activities.

Personalized Training

Tailored programs to suit your specific fitness needs and goals.


Functional Training at SVG3 Fitness in Las Vegas is about training your body for what it does daily. Our programs are designed to help you build strength and mobility that translate beyond the gym, into your everyday activities and sports. We focus on exercises that mimic common movements you might do at home, work, or in sports, enhancing your overall functional fitness.

Our expert trainers guide you through a variety of exercises that target multiple muscle groups, improving your overall body mechanics. This type of training not only enhances muscle strength and endurance but also improves balance, agility, and flexibility. Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve your performance, or someone who wants to make daily tasks easier, our functional training program is tailored to meet your needs.

Joining our Functional Training program means committing to a healthier and more active lifestyle. You’ll not only see improvements in your physical capabilities but also in your ability to perform everyday activities with ease and confidence. At SVG3 Fitness, we provide a supportive and dynamic environment where you can push your limits and achieve your fitness goals.



What is functional training?

Functional training involves exercises that improve your ability to perform everyday activities, focusing on strength, balance, and mobility.

Is functional training suitable for all fitness levels?

Yes, it's beneficial for people of all fitness levels, and our trainers will tailor the exercises to match your ability.

Can functional training help with sports performance?

Absolutely, it enhances overall athletic performance by improving strength, agility, and functional mobility.

How often should I participate in functional training?

It depends on your goals, but generally 2-3 times a week is recommended for optimal results.

Do I need any special equipment for functional training?

No special equipment is needed. We utilize a variety of equipment available at our facility.

How does functional training differ from traditional gym workouts?

Functional training focuses on exercises that prepare your body for daily tasks and movements, rather than just building isolated muscle strength.


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6416 S Arville St, Las Vegas, NV 89118


(725) 227-7036