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SVG3 Fitness's Weightlifting program in Las Vegas is designed for lifters of all levels. Our expert coaches guide you through techniques for strength, safety, and performance, ensuring you achieve your weightlifting objectives.

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Appointment Only





Technique Mastery

Learn and perfect weightlifting techniques under expert guidance.

Personalized Training Plan

Tailored plans to match your skill level and goals.

Safety First Approach

Focus on safe lifting practices to prevent injuries.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Train with the best equipment in a top-notch facility.


Weightlifting is more than just lifting weights; it’s about technique, strength, and discipline. At SVG3 Fitness in Las Vegas, our Weightlifting program is tailored to suit lifters of all experience levels. Whether you’re new to weightlifting or an experienced lifter looking to refine your technique, our expert coaches provide the guidance and support you need.

Our program focuses on all aspects of weightlifting, from fundamental techniques to advanced strategies. We emphasize safety, ensuring that each movement is executed with the correct form to prevent injuries and maximize effectiveness. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the best weightlifting equipment, providing an ideal environment for both training and progression.

Joining our Weightlifting program means being part of a community that values strength, perseverance, and improvement. We take pride in fostering an atmosphere where each member can thrive and push their limits. Whether your goal is to build muscle, increase strength, or compete in weightlifting competitions, SVG3 Fitness is here to support you every step of the way on your weightlifting journey.



s the weightlifting program suitable for beginners?

Yes, our program caters to all levels, including beginners. We focus on building a strong foundation.

What does the weightlifting training include?

It includes technique training, strength building, and personalized coaching to enhance your lifting performance.

How often should I train for weightlifting?

This depends on your goals and schedule, but typically 2-4 times a week is recommended.

Are there any prerequisites to join the weightlifting program?

No prerequisites are required. Our coaches will assess your level and tailor the training accordingly.

Can weightlifting help with weight loss?

Absolutely, weightlifting can be an effective part of a weight loss and fitness regime.

How do I track my progress in the program?

Our coaches regularly assess your progress and make adjustments to your training plan as needed.


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6416 S Arville St, Las Vegas, NV 89118


(725) 227-7036